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Admission Brochures of Chongqing Normal University,2024

2024-03-06  点击:[]

Approved by the Ministry of Education, P.R. China, Chongqing Normal University (hereafter as CNU) enrolls international students to pursue degrees or further training. Chongqing Normal University warmly welcomes international students from all over the world to study in our university!

Ⅰ. Length of the Programs:

1. Short-Term Training Program: 2 weeks or above.

2. Long-Term Training Program: one semester to two semesters.

3. Bachelors program: 4 years.

4. Masters program: 3 years.

5. Doctoral program: 4 years

Admission Requirements:

1. Applicants for Long-term and Short-term Training Programs

Age: Between 18 and 25, in sound health.

2. Applicants for Bachelor Program

Age: Between 18 and 25.

Requirements: A certified high school degree, HSK4 certification (180 scores or above) are required.

3. Applicants for Master program

Age: Between 18 and 35.

Requirements: A certified bachelor degree, two letters of recommendation by associate professors or professors (original copy or scanned copy), HSK5 certification (180 scores or above) are required.

4. Applicants for Doctor Program

Age: under 40.

Requirements: A certified Master degree, two letters of recommendation by associate professors or professors (original copy or scanned copy), HSK5 certification (180 scores or above) are required.


1. Applicants should submit the applications at least two months before the new semester starts.

2. The requirements for program students shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant program agreement stipulations

Ⅲ. Application Procedures:

1. Applicants shall contact the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Chongqing Normal University, or visit its official website (http://international.cqnu.edu.cn) to acquire the enrollment information.

2. Applicants should log in the website of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Chongqing Normal University, and register in the “International Students Management System of Chongqing Normal University" (http://foreignstudent.cqnu.edu.cn) , and submit the required materials.

3.Chongqing Normal University will review all the application materials, and may conduct a test if necessary. Assessment and selection for admission will be made based on merits.

4. After approval of all the documents, Chongqing Normal University will send Admission Notice and electronic Visa Application Form to the applicants, with which the applicants shall go to the Chinese embassy or consulate for an X1/X2 Visa.

5. Applicants shall come to the International Students Office of CNU for registering on the required date and hand in all the necessary documents for admission. The documents needed are Admission Notice, Passport, Physical Examination Record for Foreigners, 6 two-inches passport pictures. All tuition fees must be paid before the semester begins.

Ⅳ Application Materials

1. Chongqing Normal University Application Form.

2. Highest diploma attained or proof of study (notarized photocopy).Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or in English.

3. Transcripts (notarized photocopy in Chinese or in English).

4. Study plan (written in Chinese or English, no less than 1000 words/characters).

5. Two letters of recommendation. Applicants for Master’s /Doctoral programs shall provide two letters of recommendation by associate professors or professors.

6. HSK and HSKK copy (Bachelors programs are required HSK4 copy, Master’s /Doctoral programs are required HSK5 copy)

7. Foreigner Physical Examination Form, together with the original copy. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results are valid only 6 months.

8. A scanned copy of the passport information page.

9. Non-Criminal Record, issued by the local public security (such as the police station), It is usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.10. Bank deposit certificate (no less than 25,000 RMB in principle).

11. Resume.

12. Scholarship application table if applicants apply for scholarships.

13.Personal works. Applicants for the Arts or Design program shall provide his/her own works (such as videos and copies of paintings)

Ⅴ. Reception Service

Free airport or train station pick up service for new students is available upon request in advance.

. Tuition and other fee

1. Tuition (Chinese currency):

(1) Short-term Training: 4,000RMB for one month.

(2) Long-term Training of Chinese Language and Culture: 7,000RMB per semester, 14,000RMB

per academic year.

(4) Bachelors Program:

14,000 RMB per academic year for liberal arts programs

16,000 RMB per academic year for science, engineering, economic, management programs

21,000 RMB per academic year for arts and physical education programs

(5) Masters Program:

18,000RMB per academic year for liberal arts programs

20,000RMB per academic year for science, engineering, economic, management programs

27,000RMB per academic year for arts and physical education programs

(6) Doctoral Program

28,000RMB per academic year for liberal arts programs

30,000RMB per academic year for science, engineering programs

2. Accommodation Fee :

Double room:with two beds, a bathroom, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, internet,etc. 5400RMB per academic year per person.

Scholarship students should live in the international students apartment.Those who intend to live in on-campus apartments should reserve 40 days in advance.

3.Text Books

Students should pay for text books fees.

4.Application Fee

Applicants should pay 400 RMB for the registration fee. The registration fee will not be refunded, regardless of whether applicants are admitted or not.

5.Visa Fee

400RMB for X1 visa (180 days to one year), and 168RMB for X2 visa(less than 180 days). In order to submit all the documents for visa, applicants also need health check in designated Hospital and visa photo in Chongqing, which may cost 400RMB and 30RMB, respectively.

6.Comprehensive Medical Insurance Fee

800RMB for a year. All international students should buy comprehensive medical insurance. The reimbursement is subject to Chinese Insurance laws and regulation.

Ⅶ. Scholarship

Chongqing Normal University is one of the host institutes of Chinese Government Scholarship, International Chinese Teacher Scholarship, and Chongqing Municipal Mayor Scholarship for overseas students. Chongqing Normal University has also set up Chongqing Normal University President Scholarship for those excellent overseas students studying at the University. Welcome to apply for scholarships.

A. Chinese Government Scholarship

1. Application time: January 1 to March 1

2. Basic information of scholarship

Full scholarship
-Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee and on-campus accommodation fee;
-Living allowance (3000 RMB per month for Master student; 2500 RMB per month for Bachelor student, 3500 RMB per month for doctoral candidates)
-Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance in China;

Partial scholarship

-One or some items of the full scholarship

3. Eligibility
All the courses for Master’s /Doctoral programs will be taught in Chinese. Scholarship students without sufficient Chinese language proficiency (180 scores of HSK 5 or above)are required to take one-year remedial Chinese language courses and pass the relevant test prior to the studies in their specialties. For those who take the one-year remedial Chinese language courses, the duration of the scholarship will be extended accordingly.

B. International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship

1. Application time:  

15th April (For programs commencing in July)

15th May (For programs commencing in September)

15th September (For programs commencing in December)

15th November (For programs commencing in March 2025)

2. Eligibility & Categories

Application is open to applicant who holds a non-Chinese citizenship, aged between 18 and 35 years, in sound health. (Applicant currently holding a Chinese language teaching position should not exceed the age limit of 45Applicant for undergraduate program should not exceed the age limit of 25.)

2.1 International Chinese Language Teachers Programme

(1) Scholarship for Master’s program in International Chinese Language Education

This is 3-academic-year program with a maximum scholarship duration of two academic years. It commences in September, 2024. Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, with a minimum HSK score of 210 (Level 5) and HSKK 60 (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given to applicants who provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a similar proof.

(2) Scholarship for Bachelor’s program in International Chinese Language Education

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum duration of four academic years. Applicants shall have completed high school education, with a minimum HSK score of 210 (Level 4) and HSKK 60 (Intermediate Level).

(3) Scholarship for One-Year Study Program

The program commences in September 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum duration of eleven months. Applicants of international Chinese language education shall have a minimum HSK score of 270 (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is also required. Applicants of Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, or Chinese philosophy shall have a minimum HSK score of 180 (Level 4) and HSKK 60 (Intermediate Level). Applicants of Chinese language study shall have a minimum HSK score of 210 (Level 3), and priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.

(4) Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program

The program commences either in September 2024 or March 2025, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum duration of five months. Applicants of international Chinese language education, Chinese language and literature, Chinese history, or Chinese philosophy shall have a minimum HSK score of 180 (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is also required. Applicants of traditional Chinese medicine or Taiji culture are required to provide HSK test scores, and priority will be given to those who provide an HSKK test score.

(5) Scholarship for Four-Week Study Program

The program commences either in July or December 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum duration of four weeks. Applicants of Chinese language study, traditional Chinese medicine, Taiji culture, or Chinese language plus home-stay with a Chinese family are required to provide an HSK test score. The program may be organized and applied for by a recommending institution with 10-15 participants per group, and the applicant should contact Chongqing Normal University beforehand to confirm his or her study plan in China so that the plan is submitted to the Center for Language Education and Cooperation for review and approval.

2.2 Scholarship for Online Programs

(1) The Online Program for One-Year Chinese Language

The program commences in September or March each year. Under most circumstances, a score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3) is required, and priority will be given to those who also provide an HSKK test score.

(2) The Online Program for One-Semester Chinese Language

The program commences in September or March each year. Under most circumstances, an HSK test score (regardless of level or score) is required.

(3) Special Online Study Programs.

Please consult the Chongqing Normal University for the eligibility and application for Special Online Study Programs.

For Chinese Bridge” (Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students) Prize Winners. Winners who have been awarded the 2023 “International Chinese Teacher Scholarship Certificate” can apply for admission according to the scholarship specified in the certificate .For question or enquiry, you can send an E-mail to: chinesebridge@chinese.cn.3.Scholarship Coverage

3. Scholarship Coverage

(1) Chinese Language Teacher Scholarships

Scholarships provide registration fee, tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (except four-week program students) and comprehensive medical insurance fee.

The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-year study program students and one-semester study program students is RMB 2,500 per person; that for master’s students in International Chinese Language Education is RMB 3,000 per person.

(2) Scholarship for Online program

This Scholarship program provide registration fee, tuition fee, with no living allowance.

C. Chongqing Municipal Mayor Scholarship

1. Application time: 1st March -30th May, 2024

2. Basic information of scholarship

Level of Candidates

Scholarship coverage

Doctoral Program

35000 RMB /Per Year

Masters Program

30000 RMB /Per Year

Bachelor’s Program

25000 RMB /Per Year

Notes: The coverage of scholarship should be not longer than the normal years for undergraduate/ graduate /doctoral program.

3. Eligibility

Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens, and be in good health both mentally and physically.

2. Education background and age limit:

Applicants for Bachelor’s program should have a high school degree and be under the age of 25. Applicants for Master's program should have a Bachelor degree and be under the age of 35. Applicants for Doctoral program should have a Master degree and be under the age of 40. Applicants for language study should be in the age of 18-50.

3.Applicants who have obtained other scholarships should not apply for the Chongqing Normal University President Scholarship.

D. CNU President Scholarship (New Silk Road Scholarship)

1. Application time: 1st March -30th May, 2024

2. Basic information of scholarship

(1) First class: free of tuition fee, accommodation fee (one room with four beds), comprehensive medical insurance, with the living allowance 400 RMB per month (applicants can apply the first class scholarship if he or she has studied at least one year for Bachelor’s /Master’s / Doctoral programs in Chongqing Normal University) .

(2) Second class: free of tuition fee (applicants who apply for the first year of Language/Bachelor’s /Master’s / Doctoral programs can only apply the second class scholarship).

Note: The tuition fee is in accordance with the tuition fee standard of international students recruitment brochure, not including comprehensive medical insurance, accommodation, living expenses, textbook fees, registration fee and other expense.

3. Eligibility

(1) Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens.

(2) Applicants should be friendly to China, have no criminal record.

(3) Applicants should be physically and mentally healthy, excellent in morality and academic performance, and meet the specific requirements for scholarship selection.

Applicants for bachelor’s program should have a high school degree and be under the age of 25. Applicants for master's program should have a bachelor degree and be under the age of 35. Applicants for doctoral program should have a master degree and be under the age of 40. Applicants for language study should be in the age of 18-50.

(1) Applicants who have obtained other scholarships should not apply for the Chongqing Normal Scholarship.

Ⅷ. Completion of Education and Graduation

Upon the completion of requirements needed to fulfill a program and passing all required courses, overseas students are eligible for the following:

1. Short-Term/Long-Term training students will be granted a Certificate of Completion of his/her particular program.

2. Degree candidates who have successfully defended his/her dissertation will be granted related Graduation Certificate and Degree Diploma.

. Contact:

International Students Office of Chongqing Normal University

Contact: Ms. Xu Chiying

Tel.: 0086-023--65918980

Email: cqnuws@foxmail.com

Website: http://international.cqnu.edu.cn/

Add: International Cooperation and Exchange Office 405, Office Building, Chongqing Normal University, No.37 University Town Road, high-tech District, Chongqing, China

Post Code: 401331

下一条:Admission Brochures of CNU,2022


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Add: International Office of Chongqing Normal University, University Town, Shapingba District, Chongqing, P. R. China,
Post code: 401331?
Tel.: 0086-023-6536 2300 0086-023-6531 7936,
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Email: interoff@cqnu.edu.cn cqnuws@foxmail.com