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· The List of Student Visa Exten  
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· Confucius Institute Scholarshi  
· CNU President Scholarship  
· Chongqing Municipal Government  
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Chinese Government Scholarship

2015-10-15  点击:[]

ChineseGovernment Scholarship

PostgraduateProgram of Chongqing Normal University, 2015

Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate StudyProgram (CGS-UPSP) is established by Chinese Scholarship Council aimingto provide support in developing international high level universities andpromote more excellent international students to study in China.

2015 CGS-UPSPof Chongqing Normal University is now available for application for overseasstudents to pursue master’s degree.

I. Application time: January 5, 2015 to April 15, 2015

II.Basicinformation of scholarship

-Exempt from tuition fee and on-campus accommodation;
-Living allowance (3000 RMB per month for postgraduate student)
-Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance in China;

Note: For moredetailed information, please visit the website of China Scholarship Council at http://www.csc.edu.cn

III. Categoriesof Applicants and Duration of Scholarship

Master'sDegree Students: 2-3 academic years    

All the courses for master programs will be taught in Chinese.Scholarship students without sufficient Chinese language proficiency(HSK 5 orabove)are required to take one-year remedial Chinese language courses and passthe relevant test prior to the studies in their specialties. For those who takethe one-year remedial Chinese language courses, the duration of the scholarshipwill be extended accordingly.

IV. Eligibility

1. Applicantsshould be non-Chinese nationals in good health.

2. Applicantsshould not be a registered student in Chinese universities at the time ofapplication; or be a graduate from Chinese universities for more than one year.

3. Educationbackground and age limit:

Applicantsfor master degree studies must have a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of35.

V. Application Materials

Applicants are required to submit application on the website ofChina Scholarship Council and have the application printed and send it togetherwith other documents required to International Office of Chongqing NormalUniversity. Online Application website : (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/inscholarship/jsp/student/StudentLogin.jsp)

The applicants must fill in and provide the following materialstruly and correctly (one original and three copies).

1. ApplicationForm for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), inChinese or in English. Applicants are required to submit application on thewebsite of China Scholarship Council and have the application printed. OnlineApplication website : (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/inscholarship/jsp/student/StudentLogin.jsp) Agency No. of ChongqingNormal University is 10637.

2. Highestdiploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or alreadyemployed, they should also provide documents of being university students oron-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must beattached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

3. Applicantsfor master’s degree shall provide notarized transcripts for bachelor’s degree.Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached withtranslations in Chinese or English.

4. A study orresearch plan in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).

5. Applicantsshall submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by professorsor associate professors.

6. Applicantsfor music are requested to submit one cassette recording of the applicants’ ownwork. Applicants for fine arts must submit six color photographs of personalworks (two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).

7. Photocopyof Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantineauthority) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the itemslisted in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incompleterecords or those without the signature of the attending physician, officialstamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medicalexamination results will be valid for 6 months. Students who win thescholarship will also be required to take physical examination when they arrivein China in September, 2015. All applicants are kindly requested to take thisfactor into consideration while determining the time to take the medicalexamination.

Application materials will not be returned regardless of theresult of application.

VI. Approval andNotification
1. Chongqing Normal University will review all the applicationmaterials. Assessment and selection for admission and for granting scholarshipwill be made based on merits.
2. The name list of the recommended scholarship winning candidates for graduateprograms will be sent to China Scholarship Council for approval about April 20,2015.
3. After the name list is reviewed and approved by China Scholarship Council,the scholarship winners will be notified by the university by the end of June2015, and
Admission Notice, and Visa Application Form for Study inChina (JW201) together with other relevant documents will be sent tothem in July 2015.

VII. ImportantNotes
1. Chongqing Normal University will manage scholarshipstudents' affairs according to the relevant regulations governing ChineseGovernment Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the Annual Reviewof the Chinese Government Scholarship Status.
2.  Scholarship students are not allowed to change their institutions aswell as their academic programs or the duration of study specified in theAdmission Notice after registration.

VII. ContactInformation

International Office of Chongqing Normal University
Contact: Ms. Xu Chiying, Ms. Dong Qing

Tel.: 0086-023-65317936

Fax: 0086-023-65317936

Email: cqnuws@foxmail.com

Website: http://international.cqnu.edu.cn/ 

Add: No. 12, Tianchen Road, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 400047 P. R. China

Post code:400047


上一条:Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship, 2015 下一条:Foreigners physical exanimation table


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